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Sulky Thread ????
Posted by: William Bartlett (---.proxy.aol.com)
Date: February 13, 2005 01:41AM

I was given some sulky metallic thread. Has anyone used this? Do I need to do anything different to it? What about Madeira any differance?

Bill in WV

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/13/2005 01:42AM by William Bartlett.

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Re: Sulky Thread ????
Posted by: Randy Parpart (Putter) (---.nccray.com)
Date: February 13, 2005 02:47AM

Sulky is a great thread, I've only used their metallics so far.
Madeira is strong enough for guides also, but there's been some discussion with Madeira's use of a lubricant to help in the sewing process that's causing some troubles with fisheyes in the rod finish. I've got and use it and haven't had troubles in about 5 uses of it so far, but I'm sure keeping an eye out for it. Too many knowledgeable builders have had off and on problems with it to not think it's true. Seems like one spool of it has the problem and another doesn't??

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Re: Sulky Thread ????
Posted by: Anonymous User (---.b.004.brs.iprimus.net.au)
Date: February 13, 2005 03:21AM

Bill, I have been doing a lot of tests with Madeira metallic threads, as I love their super twist range. I was advised to coat Madeira thread with two coats of CP, I used a brand on the similar lines to Flexcoat CP, didn't get a ripple. When finishing over bare thread I didn't find any problems even though Madeira themselves says that they coat their threads with paraffin wax and silicone lubricant, this finish had an orange peel look to it, as it was a black poly and gold metallic twist ( thanks Putter ) and is a very uneven thread to begin with, once the second coat of Putter's secret epoxy (again thanks Putter) was on I had a smooth very glossy flat surface. One warning with Madeira threads these paraffin wax's and silicone lubricants vary between spools. Hope I helped in some way.

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Re: Sulky Thread ????
Posted by: Billy Vivona (---.ny325.east.verizon.net)
Date: February 13, 2005 08:08AM

Metallics - I used Madeira for a few years, and got fed up dealig with teh epoxy not sticking to the thread. IT went WAY beyond fisheyes. Recently I sold it all, and switched to Superior, YLI/Fishhawk, and Sulky. All af th eembroidery metallics are quite similar, they all have basically teh same properties - they don't shred like Gudebrod - but imo I feel SUlky is a little weaker than the others. I haven't done tests, I haven't used it that much - 2 rods, but from using Superior I prefer Superior over Sulky. It's really not a big difference though, and since tehy have different color I just ordered from both.

Another company with nice metallics which I have a few spools of (thanks Rapt Tite) is Rice. I haven't used it yet though.

Putter - if you want I'll send you a spool of Polyneon that will fisheye & beyond (lol).

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Re: Sulky Thread ????
Posted by: Stan Grace (---.hln-mt.client.bresnan.net)
Date: February 13, 2005 08:23AM

I have had good results with Sulky metalic thread and will recommend it in preference to Gudebrod.

Stan Grace
Helena, MT
"Our best is none too good"

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Re: Sulky Thread ????
Posted by: Tom Doyle (---.ipt.aol.com)
Date: February 13, 2005 09:31AM

If you use Sulky Metallics (I do, and really like them), just make sure you get their 142-7xxx series. They make some other metallics also, not suitable for guide wraps, though perhaps ok for butt wraps.

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Re: Sulky Thread ????
Posted by: Anonymous User (---.bellsouth.net)
Date: February 13, 2005 11:19AM

I've been using Sulky metallic and 40wt rayon for a few years with good results. Use is mostly for trim bands and butt wraps (great color selection for shaded wraps). I've tried it for guide wraps on two spinning rods as a test and it has held up fine. The small spool is odd shaped compared to regular rod wrapping thread, and was a pain to use with my old hand wrapper. A catalog showing all of the colors is available from www.uncommonthread.com.

As with any brand of thread, it is a good idea to do your own finishing and fade tests.

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Re: Sulky Thread ????
Posted by: Billy Vivona (---.ny325.east.verizon.net)
Date: February 13, 2005 12:18PM

Mike - just take an empty spool of regular thread & transfer the Sulky. I just buy the 1000 Yard spools myself...actually from Sulky I have 3 3000yd cones in Blue, Peacock Blue, and VIolet. Anyone need some thread? lol.

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Re: Sulky Thread ????
Posted by: Ken Preston (---.longhl01.md.comcast.net)
Date: February 13, 2005 12:33PM

Billy ---
Like you 10,000 yard spools of blue, gold, silver, bright green and copper ... plus 3,000 yard spools of silk ... my problem is no small EMPTY spools!

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Re: Sulky Thread ????
Posted by: Billy Vivona (---.ny325.east.verizon.net)
Date: February 13, 2005 01:26PM

Ken - @#$%& "Wooden Spools", sort lowest price first. I have close to 500 empty wooden spools I picked up off there at less than $15 inc shipping. Granted, more than half now have thread on them.

Don't you hate a "good deal", lol.

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Re: Sulky Thread ????
Posted by: Randy Parpart (Putter) (---.nccray.com)
Date: February 13, 2005 02:27PM

Thanks for posting what you'd found with Madeira. I think it's the first time I'd actually read your comments on it here. Maybe missed previous ones?? But thanks, it's nice to know this.

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Re: Sulky Thread ????
Posted by: Billy Vivona (---.ny325.east.verizon.net)
Date: February 13, 2005 03:27PM

Randy - I only "disovered" this recently. I've made it well known the Madeira Metallix & epoxy don't mix. I also shied away from recommending Polyneon as a guide wrap because I had really never used it - and the tests I did in the past had me thinking it wasn't strong enough, which is not the case. Others have used it, apparantly a lot, maybe they haven't had this problem, which is possible as I "tested" 8 colors & only 2 Madiera Magic'd. Or mayb ethey used CP - I use CP on all my butt wraps, and they finish perfectly...except for teh CP issue, lol.

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Re: Sulky Thread ????
Posted by: William Bartlett (---.proxy.aol.com)
Date: February 13, 2005 08:42PM

Thanks Guy's,
The two spools of Gudebrod metallic I used, I didn't like much. The metalized part tended to strip off while tying off. I'm gonna try this Sulky, it can't be any worse, Right!!!

Bill in WV

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Re: Sulky Thread ????
Posted by: Derek McMaster (---.ca-sanfranc0.sa.earthlink.net)
Date: February 14, 2005 11:01AM

Hey Mike!

Thanks for the new thread source! Do you happen to know if they carry any heavier threads than 30wt? I am looking for Commercial size 69 (.011 diameter) which is only a little thicker than Gudebrod size D (.0104) and commercial size 92 which is the same diameter as Gudebrod size E (.012)

The did not seem to have a "contact us" link at the site.

Thanks again!


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Re: Sulky Thread ????
Posted by: Anonymous User (163.206.192.---)
Date: February 14, 2005 11:45AM

Derek, in the catalog Sulky is only shown as 30wt or 40wt. The catalog does have some other brands of thread but I haven't looked at them in any detail.

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Re: Sulky Thread ????
Posted by: Bob Crook (---.nas6.portland1.or.us.da.qwest.net)
Date: February 14, 2005 12:40PM

If you are looking for the Sulky Original Metallic you might keep an eye on @#$%&. About 3 weeks ago I got 25 - 165 yd spools for $1.65 ea. Didn't see any there today, but it seems to come and go fast.


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