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Reel Seat Replacement
Posted by: Don LeRouax (---.co.fort-bend.tx.us)
Date: December 13, 2004 10:54AM

I am replacing a reel seat on a graphite rod and need suggestions on a product that might assist in dissolving the old epoxy after the seat is removed.


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Re: Reel Seat Replacement
Posted by: Noel Spann (12.39.180.---)
Date: December 13, 2004 11:08AM

If your trying to get the old epoxy off of the rod I would try to heat it up a bit with a hair dryer to make it somewhat softer and scrape it off with something, being careful not to damage the blank.
Hope this helps,

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Re: Reel Seat Replacement
Posted by: Bill Stevens (---.proxy.aol.com)
Date: December 13, 2004 12:38PM

The work product that removes set up epoxy is the right tool, hard and tedious work. Scraping the area with a sharp blade held at 90 degrees to the surface will do the best. Be sure that you do not let the cutting tool hit the surface of the blank at an angle or it may cut into the surface fibers. I spent many hours at a grinding wheel making a scraper out of a 1/2 round file. I got both edges quite sharp and then heat treated the thing. I have used it for almost 20 years scraping the surface of plastic propellers for model pylon racers to adjust pitch. It is the best tool if have seen to remove epoxy from rod blanks without damaging the fibers.

If you go to Charlotte I will have the thing with me at the Rodbuilders Booth.

Bill Stevens
Gon Fishn

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Re: Reel Seat Replacement
Posted by: Chuck McIntyre (---.227.235.188.Dial1.Denver1.Level3.net)
Date: December 13, 2004 07:51PM

You didn't happen to mention if you are going to put the new reelseat in a different location on the rod or what kind of rod it is. If you aren't moving the location,why not use what is left behind after the removal of the old seat. That is of course if the construction for the old seat mounting is sound. If using a smaller I.D. seat than the old one,,just sand it to fit. If going with a larger I.D. seat,you may be able to build it up some if the difference is not very significant. Of course if the mounting platform for the old one was destroyed in the process of removal,thats a moot point.
Personally, I would just chuck it into my lathe and remove as much as possible of the old epoxy residue with a woodturning tool or files. At least until the old epoxy was minimized to a point where I could accomplish satisfactory construction for the new one. I wouldn't be willing to risk the integrity of the blank by trying to remove it all.
As for some possible "magical" chemical solution to dissolve the old epoxy....I would be concerned that whatever would remove or dissolve the epoxy could also act on the blank in the same way. Not a good thing,right?
Best wishes......Chuck

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