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Results 1 - 30 of 47
1 year ago
Tim Shaffer
I use Flexcoat finish and don’t use a dryer, I turn the rods by hand. I put on light coats of finish and turn my rods for about 1 1/2 hours and then just let them sit and never had a problem with the finish sagging. Been doing it this way for 40 years. Threadmaster sets upon the same amount of time. Pro Coat takes longer, 2 1/2 hours.
Forum: rodboard
2 years ago
Tim Shaffer
Joe that’s some good information I guess ,but way over my head. I wear hearing aides and wouldn’t be able to hear it ring anyhow. The big debate on here used to be about the spine of a blank, how to find it, where to locate it and then don’t worry about it. Haha! Now this.
Forum: rodboard
2 years ago
Tim Shaffer
So let me asked a question here. You are going to build a rod. You order the blank with all the specifications that you want and the price range you want. You’re happy when you get the blank and can start the rod build. Now you do whatever it is to “ ring the rod blank” and you don’t like the ring tone, what do you do now? Send the blank back and tell them it doesn’t ring right, put it in the co
Forum: rodboard
2 years ago
Tim Shaffer
Shaking my head!
Forum: rodboard
2 years ago
Tim Shaffer
And all of this will help you catch more fish? Haha! SMH!
Forum: rodboard
2 years ago
Tim Shaffer
Mr.. Clean magic eraser works great for cleaning cork grips.
Forum: rodboard
2 years ago
Tim Shaffer
Tom. I’ve been rod building for 40 years and on this forum for a lot of years. I’ve seen many times stated on here regarding getting a good finish on your wraps that not everyone does it the same way. Find what works for you. Now your making it sound like the way you do it is the right way and the only way it should be done. I do a lot of repair work. Sometimes 4 or5 rods with one guide wrap each
Forum: rodboard
2 years ago
Tim Shaffer
I agree with Norman. I turn my rods by hand and on a schedule. I set the timer on my phone. I usually turn it every 6 minutes for 2 or 3 turns, 180 degree . Then every 8 minutes for 2 or 3 turns and then every 10 minutes until I’ve turned it for about 1 1/2 hours. I usually use Flex Coat or Threadmaster finish they set up fairly quick. I’ve used Gen 4 and that cures a lot slower and needs to be t
Forum: rodboard
2 years ago
Tim Shaffer
I was wondering too as to why you want to run swivels through your guides.
Forum: rodboard
3 years ago
Tim Shaffer
I ream out the ID close to the blank size. Then I glue them up with a very thin coat of epoxy on a scrap piece of blank. The I put them in a cork clamp and tighten it up making sure the all are lined up. The cork rings are then tight in the clamp so I pull out the piece of blank. A little bit of reaming is needed to fit the blank. I then put it on a mandrel and turn it down to size.
Forum: rodboard
3 years ago
Tim Shaffer
I use both Flex Coat and Threadmaster high build finishes. I like them both and can’t decide which I like best. It’s been a while since I bought some new Flex Coat and just purchased some last week. I used it last night and it seemed like it had a different oder, a lot stronger. Just wondering if they changed something in it or am I just getting wacky in my old age. Anyone else notice this new od
Forum: rodboard
3 years ago
Tim Shaffer
Throw away brushes. Why bother with the hassle of cleaning brushes?
Forum: rodboard
3 years ago
Tim Shaffer
I use a spatula to scrape it out of the spoon onto aluminum foil. Then wipe it off with a paper towel. Then do the same with the other part. I just use the paper towel to clean the spoon. No cleaner of any kind. No mess. I mix it right on the foil with the spatula. I don’t stir it. I mostly just like fold it over and spread it out and then fold it over for at least 2 minutes. Then wipe the metal
Forum: rodboard
3 years ago
Tim Shaffer
Never liked using syringes. I thought they were kind of messy and I didn’t like the glob of white stuff that was in them if I didn’t use them in a while. I’ve been using measuring spoons for almost 40 years with great results. Yeah I know I’m a dinosaur.
Forum: rodboard
3 years ago
Tim Shaffer
I’ve always used permagloss for coating the entire rod with great results. Just wondering though what would be a good alternative instead of permagloss? I used the Godabrod rod varnish years ago,didn’t really like it but it’s not available anymore.
Forum: rodboard
3 years ago
Tim Shaffer
I have been ordering from Mudhole for years and have been very happy with their service. In the past 5 or 6 weeks I have had to call Customer Service with questions about orders and back orders 3 different times. Each time they were very efficient and quick to solve my problems. Keep up the good work guys!
Forum: rodboard
3 years ago
Tim Shaffer
I also use the ones from Walmart. Cheap and they work great.
Forum: rodboard
3 years ago
Tim Shaffer
I have used the black Testors paint to dye rod bond, the same paint I use for marbling, it would be less messier than charcoal. I pour the clear stuff off the paint and just have the pigment leftover. It only takes a drop to dye it.
Forum: rodboard
3 years ago
Tim Shaffer
Thanks Mike I found some fingernail decals that I’m going to try. If they don’t work out I may get in touch with you.
Forum: rodboard
3 years ago
Tim Shaffer
Thanks Phil I’ll check into that.
Forum: rodboard
3 years ago
Tim Shaffer
Anyone know where I can get a Batman decal? Going to be making a rod for a guy who loves Batman and he wants the rod to be yellow and black with a Batman decal.
Forum: rodboard
3 years ago
Tim Shaffer
I usually use Threadmaster and sometimes Flex Coat. I got some Gen 4 to try out. It really looks good and the bubbles release was the best ever, but for me I didn’t like the longer cure time. I do a lot of repairs and put finish on 3 or 4 rods at one time and then turn them by hand. The Gen 4 needed to be turned for about 2 hours verses 1 to 1 1/4 hours for the other 2.
Forum: rodboard
3 years ago
Tim Shaffer
Michael is right. On the tip end of the butt wrap you should start your tan wrap on the blank and then wrap up over the butt wrap.
Forum: rodboard
4 years ago
Tim Shaffer
Flexcoat cp will hold it in place. Use at least 2 coats.
Forum: rodboard
4 years ago
Tim Shaffer
I ordered it from Get Bit Outdoors. But I’ll have to wait a while for it because I ordered some guides that are on backorder and they are going to wait to ship them together.
Forum: rodboard
4 years ago
Tim Shaffer
Thanks for the information. I tried to get on Bingham’s web site a couple of times but couldn’t. Have to try one of the others.
Forum: rodboard
4 years ago
Tim Shaffer
Where can I buy the Gen 4 rod finish? The places that I usually buy from don’t have it.
Forum: rodboard
4 years ago
Tim Shaffer
I bought 3 6 ft. Fiberglass blanks from Mudhole last year and cut them down o 5 ft. To make rods for my grand daughters for Christmas. They were casting rods with pistol grips for spin cast reels. They worked out good.
Forum: rodboard
4 years ago
Tim Shaffer
I use the cheap 30 pack brushes from Walmart. They work great for me. I don’t like cleaning brushes. Years ago I used to use the Flex coat throw always,they were a little thicker but cost a whole lot more. I had trouble with them. If I didn’t wash them out with soap and water before using them I would get fish eyes in the finish. I did enough of experimenting with it to know that it was from the
Forum: rodboard
4 years ago
Tim Shaffer
I mix mine on a piece of aluminum foil about 5” by 6” doubled over so I have 2 layers. I use a spatula to mix it. When done mixing I spread it out and then hit it with some heat from the alcohol torch (bubble buster). Been doing it like this for many years with great results.
Forum: rodboard
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