nternet gathering place for custom rod builders
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    Registration is now required in order to post. You must include your actual First and Last name and a correct email address when registering or posting.

2025 ICRBE
Custom Rod Symbol
Common Cents System
American Grips Piscari
American Tackle
Anglers Rsrc - Fuji
BackCreek Custom Rods
HNL Rod Blanks–CTS
Custom Fly Grips LLC
Decal Connection
EPSON Decal Printers
Flex Coat Co.
Get Bit Outdoors
HFF Custom Rods
Janns Netcraft
Mudhole Custom Tackle
MHX Rod Blanks
North Fork Composites
Palmarius Rods
REC Components
RodBuilders Warehouse
RodHouse France
RodMaker Magazine
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SeaGuide Corp.
Stryker Rods & Blanks
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Utmost Enterprises
VooDoo Rods

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Results 1 - 8 of 8
5 weeks ago
Bruce K Davenport
2 decades huh? Well. I like it here under my rock. The views not great but people, for the most part leave me alone. Cheers.
Forum: rodboard
5 weeks ago
Bruce K Davenport
2 decades huh? Well. I like it here under my rock. The views not great but people, for the most part leave me alone. Cheers.
Forum: rodboard
5 weeks ago
Bruce K Davenport
I'm pretty sure I'm not the first person to do this but it's made my life so much easier I thought I'd share it. For gluing up cork rings I use a DeWalt one handed clamp, I drilled a 5/16 hole in the pad one side and 5/16 slot in the other (editor's note, he had his son do it because he would have just made a mess of it). By looking at the picture you can guess the rest. It's infinitely easier
Forum: rodboard
7 weeks ago
Bruce K Davenport
Ah ha. I see the logic in it now. I probably still won't do it since I make mostly 3-5 wt rods, but at least I understand and appreciate why it's done. Thank for responding.
Forum: rodboard
7 weeks ago
Bruce K Davenport
Can someone tell why I often see fly rods, even 7 1/2 foot rods with two stripping guilds? It seems unnecessary.
Forum: rodboard
2 months ago
Bruce K Davenport
Forum: rodboard
2 months ago
Bruce K Davenport
Thanks. I take it that your putting it on thin enough and it dries fast enough that no spinning is required. Probably just hang it from the handle end, fully assembled and masked, apply it and let it hang dry. Bruce Davenport
Forum: rodboard
2 months ago
Bruce K Davenport
I've been building rods for a long time. In the last couple years I've started to sell them. 99% of the blanks I buy are finished. The few that were unfinished I bought because I wanted that size and weight rod. I don't like infinished blanks: in my opinion they're not as attractive and they're harder to keep my gruby fingerprints off of. So here I am with an unfinished blank. In the past I've
Forum: rodboard
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