nternet gathering place for custom rod builders
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    Registration is now required in order to post. You must include your actual First and Last name and a correct email address when registering or posting.

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Custom Fly Grips LLC
Decal Connection
EPSON Decal Printers
Flex Coat Co.
Get Bit Outdoors
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Results 1 - 10 of 10
2 days ago
Donald Walsh
I have only been building rods since January but I had heard the advice about never mixing less than 3 cc's but decided on mixing a smaller amouint because i was only doing a few guides. What a mistake! The epoxy never cured. I had to scrape it all off and mix 3 ccs.
Forum: rodboard
12 days ago
Donald Walsh
Eric, I just started building rods in 2024 but love it. Since I live a little over an hour from Mudhole, I attended their inshore rod building class. After that I was hooked. I got a lot out of face to face instruction with questions and answers and hands on assistance. I would highly recommend attending the in person class near you.
Forum: rodboard
27 days ago
Donald Walsh
I am new to rodbuilding and have found this forum extremely helpful. I am trying to build a ramp on a NFC blank. First I used paste epoxy pro paste to build the ramp. I then sanded it down so it is smoother. I am trying to wrap with gold metallic thread and then finish. I start with 2 or 3 wraps and then cross over. I will then do another 5 wraps and cut with razor. It seems like it locks fine at
Forum: rodboard
5 weeks ago
Donald Walsh
I am new to rod building but really enjoying it. I fish in Northeast Florida ICW for redfish, snook, flounder, and speckled trout. The one artificail I throw more than any other is a 4-5" paddletail on a 1/8 oz weighted hook. I have been using 8-10 lb braid main line with a 20-30 lb leader. I have been thowing the baits on 7' or 7'6" spinning rod. What is the best blank for this type of
Forum: rodboard
5 weeks ago
Donald Walsh
Brian, I am also new to rod building but have built a few inshore spinning rods; all with high frame guides. I do use a size 20 for the stripping guide so it is a little smaller than the 24 but the casting distance on my builds have been exceptional. I am sure some of the veteran builders will have better responses.
Forum: rodboard
7 weeks ago
Donald Walsh
Roger, i wadded up some masking tape inserted in blank at butt and then put 1/2 oz worm weight, and then used paste epoxy to seal.
Forum: rodboard
8 weeks ago
Donald Walsh
The personal service at Voodooo Rods is the best I have encountered. I always receive a handwritten notation on the invoice.and they give you a 15% wholesale discount once you spend over $100.00. A few times i forgot to enter the discount code and they automatically credit me. Great company to deal with.
Forum: rodboard
2 months ago
Donald Walsh
David, Thank you so much for the response. Your answer makes a lot of sense. I primarily fish inshore and was thinking of making a balanced rod for when i am throwing jerkbaits as the twticth, twitch, pause motion is done repetitively. I like the reel seat closer to the but than most people as I am 5'7" so don't want a handle longer than my elbow. Having a neutral balanced rod would seem
Forum: rodboard
2 months ago
Donald Walsh
I am new to rod building but really enjoying it. Do you usually balance the rod by putting weight in the butt or the blank or simply make it as light as possible. Thanks in advance for your replies.
Forum: rodboard
2 months ago
Donald Walsh
Ryan, I have found that temperature and humidity have a significant effect on any epoxy. I live in Florida and started rod building in my garage in the winter. Any epoxy applications were fine until late spring when the temperature and humidity increased. I found the epoxy was not hardening. I then moved my rod building into the condo and used the kitchen counter. While my wife was not happy w
Forum: rodboard
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