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Speed controller + rod wrapping motor = rod dryer?
Posted by: Derick Jahnke (---)
Date: August 23, 2024 10:34PM

I have an old sewing machine motor powering my Alps wrapper, will a speed controller work to run this as a finish dryer? If that wont go slow ebough, can you recommend a dryer? My el cheapo CRB dryer took a dump on me and I need something quick.
Thank you

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Re: Speed controller + rod wrapping motor = rod dryer?
Posted by: Grant Darby (172.92.75.---)
Date: August 24, 2024 12:00PM

Quick? A cardboard box, 2 notches. Hand turn for a couple of hours. Have an old barbque rotisserie motor laying around?

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Re: Speed controller + rod wrapping motor = rod dryer?
Posted by: John DeMartini (---.inf6.spectrum.com)
Date: August 24, 2024 01:49PM

The sewing machine motor working in a dryer mode will have essentially very little or no load on it so the motor should run at a slow speed.

Try to lock or wedge the motor controller so the motor runs at a constant low speed, rubber bands and wedges? About 2 hours should be sufficient, but check your mixing cup to see if the finish has started to gel.

If you can't get the motor to run slow and time is of the essence Grants' cardboard box set up next to you while watching TV is the best option.

Have fun

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Re: Speed controller + rod wrapping motor = rod dryer?
Posted by: Ben Lori (---.103.147.96.tpia.cipherkey.com)
Date: August 24, 2024 01:57PM

For what it's worth... Here is what I literally bought yesterday. (building a rod dryer)
My only concern is the heat dissipation for such a small assembly and voltage reduction.


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Re: Speed controller + rod wrapping motor = rod dryer?
Posted by: roger wilson (---)
Date: August 24, 2024 05:22PM

Nothing that a new motor won't fix for your crb dryer.

Is the dryer, basically a stand with a 7 rpm motor mounted on it and then the motor is plugged into the 120 volt AC?

If so, just pick up the same motor and mount it in the stand, mount the chuck and you will be good to go.

Here are 3 motors for $25.


The motor shaft diameter is 7 mm, which is .276 inches. The typical US motor has a shaft of .25 inches or 1/4 inch. So, if necessary drill out the hole in the chuck to 7mm to allow use of the larger motor shaft.

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Re: Speed controller + rod wrapping motor = rod dryer?
Posted by: Derick Jahnke (---)
Date: August 25, 2024 02:26PM

Thank you for the quick responses. I ended up cutting a rewiring the motor and got it to work. Still investigating a different setup. Possibly even making a bracket and using thr motor with the alps chuck.

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