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Flex Coat High build epoxy
Posted by: Ryan Edamatsu (---)
Date: July 14, 2024 10:21PM

How do you like the flex coat epoxy? I have the high build formula and the ultra V high build, both in 2 oz kits. But when using it on some rods, the finished result is not as hard as I thought it would turn out. If I press my fingernail on the cured finish, it leaves a indentation. Compared to factory rods, they are usually very hard and it is impossible to make an indentation with a fingernail. Should a proper application of flex coat rod finish results in a hard coat, as hard as on factory rods? Or as I'm beginning to think, is this normal for flex coat?

I have tried many things to find if there is an issue. I measure each parts carefully using the provided syringes. I triple check the measurements. I use a old round plastic handle from a disposable paintbrush in a aluminum container. The handle used as a stirring was cleaned with alcohol, and so was the aluminum container. I mixed for 4-5 minutes. I tried both using heat and not using any heat at all. Bu I do pre warm the bottles. The mixture volume didn't seem to matter- I tried even 1.5ml of both parts, which is a half syringe each. But each time the results remained the same, a finish that is not as hard as on the factory rods.

Re: Flex Coat High build epoxy
Posted by: roger wilson (---)
Date: July 14, 2024 10:34PM

I have only used flex coat for the many rods that I have built over the years.
I wonder if you are testing the finish too soon.

If you use the rod in the sun and storms for a month after building and then checking the finish - do you still have a problem.

For myself, I have simply noticed a problem with the finish. But, I will admit, that I never check for finish hardness any sooner than a month after the completion of the rod.

So, just for a test, finish a rod and then let it sit outside being used for a month and then test the finish.

Best wishes.

Re: Flex Coat High build epoxy
Posted by: Michael Danek (---.alma.mi.frontiernet.net)
Date: July 15, 2024 07:46AM

Agree in principle with Roger, although I don't think it takes a month to reach terminal hardness. I've used FC lite for many years, and never had any indication of any problem. Be sure you are mixing at exact 50/50 proportions, using syringes designed for rodbuilding (to avoid any contamination from other types of syringes).

Re: Flex Coat High build epoxy
Posted by: Richard Kline (---.dyn.optonline.net)
Date: July 15, 2024 08:23AM

I have used Flex Coat since it first hit the market in the 70's, have had few issues with either FC Lite or High Build Flex- Coat. I do the following; mix no less than 3cc of each component,
mix exact amount of each component, mix with a folding action not a stirring action for 4 to 6 minutes, pour mixture on aluminum foil and use straws to gently blow on mixture to spread out to approximately 4 to 5 inches. Mixture should be crystal clear with few bubbles. I use a disposable brush and discard after one use. Leave remaining mixture on foil over night and check next day to make sure it cured properly.

Rich Kline C.R..

Re: Flex Coat High build epoxy
Posted by: Tom Kirkman (Moderator)
Date: July 15, 2024 08:55AM

Many factory rods use a UV cured finish that sets extremely hard. These are also the ones that tend to crack and check within a very few years. Given that most rod manufacturers consider the life of a rod to be about 3 years, they don't see this as an issue.

Flex Coat will cure hard enough and it'll last a lot longer than 3 years.


Re: Flex Coat High build epoxy
Posted by: Ryan Edamatsu (---)
Date: July 15, 2024 07:21PM

Some of the rod has been coated for about a week now. My fingernail still can dent the finish. Also, it seems to get softer when the temperature is higher. If it is a cold day, it gets harder. I have been very careful with measuring each part, even triple checking and make adjustments if needed. I am beginning to wonder if I am doing everything right and this is actually the intended results. But I have nothing else but factory rods to compare to. Thought I would see of anyone else using flex coat is having the same results.

Re: Flex Coat High build epoxy
Posted by: Al purvis (---)
Date: July 15, 2024 08:16PM

Ryan Edamatsu Wrote:
> Some of the rod has been coated for about a week
> now. My fingernail still can dent the finish.
> Also, it seems to get softer when the temperature
> is higher. If it is a cold day, it gets harder. I
> have been very careful with measuring each part,
> even triple checking and make adjustments if
> needed. I am beginning to wonder if I am doing
> everything right and this is actually the intended
> results. But I have nothing else but factory rods
> to compare to. Thought I would see of anyone else
> using flex coat is having the same results.


I had a similar experience. I called flex coat and the owner (Roger seiders) explained why it does that and everything but in short, it is perfectly normal. Your fingernail intentions should actually be gone the next day. If they are staying then you may have a problem but it sounds like you’re okay and your rods are doing the same thing as the rods I have finished with high build will do.

Re: Flex Coat High build epoxy
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---)
Date: July 16, 2024 02:58AM

I have rods I built in the 80's with Flexcoat, other than ambering a bit, still going strong, not really obvious on black wraps, but obvious where I overfilled the guide foot tunnels a bit.

Re: Flex Coat High build epoxy
Posted by: Donald Walsh (---.inf6.spectrum.com)
Date: July 16, 2024 07:05AM


I have found that temperature and humidity have a significant effect on any epoxy. I live in Florida and started rod building in my garage in the winter. Any epoxy applications were fine until late spring when the temperature and humidity increased. I found the epoxy was not hardening. I then moved my rod building into the condo and used the kitchen counter. While my wife was not happy with the move the epoxy hardened as it should within 24 hours. Good luck.

Re: Flex Coat High build epoxy
Posted by: Ryan Edamatsu (---.sub-174-246-142.myvzw.com)
Date: July 17, 2024 09:14PM

I have noticed that after curing, the epoxy hardness varies based on temperature. It feels noticeable softer on the hot day compared to a cold day. Is this normal?

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