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Twitching blank for Chinook in fast water
Posted by: Dominic Meads (---.inf.spectrum.com)
Date: August 19, 2023 12:12AM

I want to build a twitching rod specifically for chinook. I know there are some on the market, but I feel like those are more targeted towards coho, and I don't have a lot of those in my river.

It will be for spring chinook. In the spring, the water gets high and fast, and the boat guys have a lot of luck because they can go chase the fish. The bank guys who can actually land them usually use the larger 6600 Abu reels, long super heavy rods, and 40 lb mono and floss... i mean "drift fish" for them :(

Twitching with that setup would be a nightmare, so I am looking for twitching blank recommendations. The boat guys who twitch use 1/2 to 3/4 oz jigs, 3000 sized reels, and braided line. Im going with a 4000 or 5000 reel, but need the blank.

I was looking at the NFC Xray SJ 736 or the MB7108 but any other suggestions would be appreciated :)

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Re: Twitching blank for Chinook in fast water
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---)
Date: August 19, 2023 05:17PM

You can certainly use them, the X Ray SJ 736 is more powerful than any of the NFC salmon rods you will see on the water on the river, except maybe some back bouncing rods, the MB 7108 even more so, not really close as far as power goes between them.

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Re: Twitching blank for Chinook in fast water
Posted by: Aleks Maslov (Moderator)
Date: August 19, 2023 10:33PM


I would actually recommend the HS822 or the 821

Just note that the lure rating on those blanks is for a big plug, and is meant not to cast it but to slowly let it out behind the boat. If you are casting, the upper range is about an ounce and a half.



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Re: Twitching blank for Chinook in fast water
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---)
Date: August 20, 2023 11:37PM

I own a GL3 G Loomis version of the HS 821, I totally agree, it would be a perfect choice. Have not used the 822 for anything other than boat use. The Loomis 821 has been factory built both casting and spinning use. When you are using that much weight it matters little whether you use a spinning or casting reel, if you prefer casting reels you would lose nothing.

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Re: Twitching blank for Chinook in fast water
Posted by: Geoff Staples (208.52.76.---)
Date: August 21, 2023 11:37AM

I've fished twitch rigs up and down the spectrum of power and action. Personally, I prefer a mod-fast action for salmon twitching vs. fast or x-fast. I feel you get a better action on the jig, get more bites and more hookups with a mod-fast, especially on kings which have notoriously hard mouths. 7'6" to 7'10" seems to be the ticket. Below are some Rainshadow models that are popular for twitching 3/8 to 5/8oz. +

Judge RX7/S-Glass Crankbait model: JDGCB710M or MH

Eternity RX10 Popping model: ETEP76MH (coming soon)

Immortal RX8 Popping model: IMMP76MH

Revelation RX7 Crankbait model: REVCB80MH

RX6 Popping model: SP944

or just search search "Twitching" at: [batsonenterprises.com]

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Re: Twitching blank for Chinook in fast water
Posted by: Mud Hole Custom Tackle (---.biz.spectrum.com)
Date: August 21, 2023 11:41AM

The MHX L905 [mudhole.com] or MB905 [mudhole.com] would be great options depending on the feel you're going for. The L905 is going to be softer and more parabolic

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Re: Twitching blank for Chinook in fast water
Posted by: Dominic Meads (---.mobile.uscc.com)
Date: August 21, 2023 01:10PM

Aleks Maslov Wrote:
> Dominic,
> I would actually recommend the HS822 or the 821
> Just note that the lure rating on those blanks is
> for a big plug, and is meant not to cast it but to
> slowly let it out behind the boat. If you are
> casting, the upper range is about an ounce and a
> half.
> [northforkcomposites.com]
> m/
> Best,
> Aleks

Thanks a lot Aleks, the HS821 blank looks perfect! I will put in an order this week.

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Re: Twitching blank for Chinook in fast water
Posted by: Ben Lori (---.103.147.96.tpia.cipherkey.com)
Date: August 26, 2024 01:39AM

Hi Dominic,

Did you end up building your HS821?
Are you happy with it overall?
What kind of guides and reel seat did you pick?

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