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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Daryl Ferguson (---)
Date: March 23, 2023 09:39AM

I forgot to add, but I agree with the others as far as reel size. I use 3000 series reels on my spinning setups. And, if I do get a twist while on the water, I’ll pinch a split shot on the end of the line, sans lure of course, and troll out farther than I can cast, same as Aaron.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Mark Brassett (---)
Date: March 23, 2023 10:12AM

I tested my Ned/braid this morning along with an identical Ned/10# fluoro. The Ned/braid out casted the fluoro by a good 15'. The braid rod has a 20 butt guide and the fluoro has a 30 butt guide. Both were tested with a 1/8oz jighead and a Ned plastic. BTW, I caught 4 bass, 2 sacalait, and 2 goggle eye.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Gary Weber (173.241.113.---)
Date: March 23, 2023 10:24AM

[www.in-fisherman.com] [www.zmanfishing.com]
These are 2 articles that Ned Kehde mentions the rods he uses and also a couple of rods that are in the works.
While he mentions that rod sensitivity is not imprtant ( could not hurt could it? ), he does mention using fireline in the newer article.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Mark Brassett (---)
Date: March 23, 2023 10:26AM

Also, the correct way to load a spinning reel with mono or fluoro is to peg the spool on a wall or post. I start by facing the label end of the spool towards me. Most manufacturers will have the label on the correct side. Begin spooling by taking a few turns of the reel with the line coming off of the label end of the spool. If it twists, turn the spool over and test again.

Sometimes when I rig the ned, it will twist the line upon frequent jigging and casting. Letting the line out behind the idle speed boat without a weight will set you straight until it happens again.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Aaron Petersen (12.144.64.---)
Date: March 23, 2023 12:14PM

Mark Brassett Wrote:
> I tested my Ned/braid this morning along with an
> identical Ned/10# fluoro. The Ned/braid out
> casted the fluoro by a good 15'. The braid rod
> has a 20 butt guide and the fluoro has a 30 butt
> guide. Both were tested with a 1/8oz jighead and
> a Ned plastic. BTW, I caught 4 bass, 2 sacalait,
> and 2 goggle eye.

I agree on the casting distance. The thing for me is that I never cast a Ned to the max of my capabilities. Typically, even when I swim it, I use a more controlled and targeted approach. Hardly ever more than a wrist flick. So adding a failure point of braid to mono is not ideal for me personally.

Your catches are exactly why I love Ned fishing. You can catch such a variety.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Mark Brassett (---)
Date: March 23, 2023 01:31PM

Aaron, I've got one with the fluoro and one with the braid. They will be used equally.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: John Nesse (---)
Date: March 23, 2023 02:15PM

I have built (as spinning rods) and use the following NFC blanks that have been discussed here: SJ703 XRAY sanded, P703 HM, SJ732 XRAY, and DS721 HM. And I'm adding P704 to the mix. I've thrown a ned rig with each of these rods, probably a 1/10 ounce z-man head with their finesse TRD.

- SJ703 XRAY sanded is a very nice rod. It's a high end 7' medium-light fast action blank.

- SJ703 a faster action and less powerful than the P703 HM. I like the P703 better for those reasons. I find the P703 and P704 rods to be super versatile with their more moderate actions and incredible power to weight ratios. Someone mentioned a great lakes dropshot rod earlier ... I can almost guarantee you'd fall in love with the P704 HM for that application. I like the P703 HM best for true finesse ned rigs.

- For a soft tip drop shot style rod with good power, I think the SJ732 XRAY is awesome. But I like this rod best for casting a 1/8-1/4 ounce jig tipped with live bait. I don't love the soft tip for ned rigs.

- The DC721 is a buggy whip. Super light. I tried it for a while and didn't like it. It might be a good dropshot rod for very light applications, but otherwise I remember it being more like a moderate action crappie rod. Maybe the first ultralight rated rod from NFC I've held that actually fished like an ultralight.

I hope this helps! And for what it's worth, I'm also obsessed with their soft touch grips. They pair very nicely with the high end NFC blanks - the finished product with lightweight guides can feel almost weightless.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Dean Veltman (---.reverse-dns)
Date: March 23, 2023 07:54PM

I like the DS721 X-ray as a nose hooked with a size 1 or 2 hook drop shot rod. The old Shikari P7000 popping rod was highly regarded for drop shot and it looks like the CCS numbers are close for those two blanks.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: John Santos (---.110.244.66.dyn.smithville.net)
Date: March 23, 2023 11:18PM

I couldn’t find the P703 & P704 on the NFC site.

Never mind, I found it. Unfortunately, 1.75oz is too heavy for me. Thanks for the suggestion though!

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: John Nesse (---)
Date: March 27, 2023 11:33AM

The P 703 is listed at 1.5 oz: [northforkcomposites.com] The P704 also says 1.5oz: [northforkcomposites.com]

Interestingly, the 703 C6O2 blank is listed at 1.4oz while the x-ray sanded (mirror finish) is listed at 1.3oz. But the C6O2 blank is supposed to be 30% lighter.

In short, I'm not sure the numbers on the NFC website are correct. Both the P703 and P704 blanks feel quite light, but I've never weighed them.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Dean Veltman (---)
Date: March 27, 2023 10:38PM

John Nesse Wrote:
> The P 703 is listed at 1.5 oz:
> [northforkcomposites.com]
> The P704 also says 1.5oz:
> [northforkcomposites.com]
> /
> Interestingly, the 703 C6O2 blank is listed at
> 1.4oz while the x-ray sanded (mirror finish) is
> listed at 1.3oz. But the C6O2 blank is supposed
> to be 30% lighter.
> In short, I'm not sure the numbers on the NFC
> website are correct. Both the P703 and P704
> blanks feel quite light, but I've never weighed
> them.

I noticed other black mirror finished blacks do not reduce the weight compared to the normal blanks, So, I suspect that is an error on the mirror black sj 703

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Matt Ruggie (---)
Date: March 28, 2023 06:47PM

IIRC the mirror black SJ703 I have, weighed 1.45oz

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Jay Dubay (---.try.wideopenwest.com)
Date: April 04, 2023 01:26AM

Matt Ruggie Wrote:
> Dean,
> IIRC the mirror black SJ703 I have, weighed
> 1.45oz
Here's the spec's I found. Looks like your right in the wheelhouse!! {SJ 703-1(X-Ray LMX) · length:7'0? line: 8-14lb lure: 1/4-3/4oz: pieces: 1 type: X-Ray action: Extra-Fast power: Medium Light · blank weight 1.5oz} What I would like to know is how this Blank can throw 3/4oz Am I just crazy or what is that a typo?? This is listed as Medium Light blank, I'm looking to throw 1/4 oz jigs with 3" flukes and some Rapala husky jerks 7/16 and the good old Bomber long A's @ 1/2 oz This would be for walleye casting at night when their in the shallows feeding. Will this rod do the Job?? I don't want a pool cue at all and want some backbone in the middle for hook sets, Some describe the X Ray as having somewhat having a moderate action is that how this blank is? which would be fine. Thanks Jaa

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Matt Ruggie (---)
Date: April 04, 2023 02:24AM

its not a 1/4-3/4oz. blank. Maybe Alex can chime in on why it's line/lure ratings are what they are since the new C6o2 blank carries the same ratings.

The CCS IP numbers put the 703 in the same power range as the MHX SJ781 or a St Croix MLF.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: John Santos (---.110.244.66.dyn.smithville.net)
Date: April 04, 2023 09:57AM

I throw a 5/8 oz drop shot weight + a large 5-1/2 in plastic bait (easily 3/4 oz total, if not more) on the SJ 703 X-ray. It casts a mile (in reality, about 65 yards LOL). Not sure if this qualifies its upper end lure rating. I can cast a weightless Trickworm on it too (under 1/4 oz total), but only about 25 yards.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Hunter Armstrong (45.85.144.---)
Date: April 04, 2023 09:27PM

I recently built a rod for NED rigs. I used a Revelation REVS68L. It's matched with a Shimano Symetre 2500 spooled with 17lb Nanofil. I will use it primarily for river fishing (smallmouths), but, as I am waiting to have my knee replaced, I haven't taken it out yet. That said, in my front yard, I can throw a 1/4 oz casting plug 50+ yards (four doors down the street) with just a flick of the wrist. It's effortless.

From ghoulies and ghosties,
and long leggedy beasties,
and things that go bump in the night,
Good Lord deliver us!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/04/2023 09:29PM by Hunter Armstrong.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: El Bolinger (---.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
Date: April 04, 2023 09:40PM

I'm not sure those big baits count as true Ned rig. Disregard the no true Scotsman fallacy, the common practice for "Ned Rig" seems like 1/15thoz is or less with a 3 inch plastic or less. Anything bigger or heavier us just some kind of finesse rig to whatever degree of weight you're using.

@John your weights and distances are very helpful.

Building rods in MA, Building the community around the world

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Aaron Petersen (12.144.64.---)
Date: April 05, 2023 08:20AM

El Bolinger Wrote:
> I'm not sure those big baits count as true Ned
> rig. Disregard the no true Scotsman fallacy, the
> common practice for "Ned Rig" seems like 1/15thoz
> is or less with a 3 inch plastic or less. Anything
> bigger or heavier us just some kind of finesse rig
> to whatever degree of weight you're using.
> @John your weights and distances are very helpful.

Do not discount the the Power Ned, as I call it. In a river section of a reservoir or in tail water currents I sometimes use a 1/4oz Jewel weedless ned head to pierce deep brush or hold against the current. It is never my first choice in those situations. However, when the fish are finicky, the Ned will entice them.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Hunter Armstrong (45.85.144.---)
Date: April 05, 2023 09:03AM

El Bolinger Wrote:
> I'm not sure those big baits count as true Ned
> rig. Disregard the no true Scotsman fallacy, the
> common practice for "Ned Rig" seems like 1/15thoz
> is or less with a 3 inch plastic or less. Anything
> bigger or heavier us just some kind of finesse rig
> to whatever degree of weight you're using.
> @John your weights and distances are very helpful.

Yep. I feel like I'm pushing the NED envelope when I use a 1/8 oz jig head. Anything bigger is just fishing a jig with a trailer.

From ghoulies and ghosties,
and long leggedy beasties,
and things that go bump in the night,
Good Lord deliver us!

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Matt Ruggie (---)
Date: April 05, 2023 09:39AM

River current often requires more weight to maintain bottom contact, like Aaron mentions. The OG NED wasn't a bottom contact bait tho. It was glided across the bottom with minimal contact. Before there was a zman and finesse TRD worms, we would use 3" senkos on 1/16-1/8oz heads, and use a very slow retrieve to glide across bottom with a lift every now and then. It was a great bait to give my then 8 year old son, that he wouldn't snag alot in river current. Very effective and very much like the original ned technique IMO. Seems ned rigs of today are fished more as bottom contact baits which, as a river smallie guy, I always just considered a jig and plastic sometimes requiring more weight in current. Splitting hairs, probably!

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