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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Dean Veltman (---.reverse-dns)
Date: March 19, 2023 04:54PM

For what it’s worth, NFC just released a SJ703 in X-ray C6O2. If you look at the regular X-RAY SJ703 (1.5 oz) and black mirror version (1.3 oz) , I am not really seeing a weight savings with the C6O2 version weights 1.4 oz, based on the website.

But, maybe there is a power difference between the C6o2 and other x-rays. Hard to say.

I think that should be a good Ned rig blank.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Derick Jahnke (---)
Date: March 19, 2023 09:01PM

Seems gimmicky, there is already no observable data that puts XRay over their HM blanks....including price. At 85 plus excise tax and free shipping, XRay is worth.....but would rather spring for an Eternity or cheaper Revelation blank (thr RX8 blanks are nice, but that finish adds a ton of weight).

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Matt Ruggie (---)
Date: March 19, 2023 10:26PM

Dean Veltman Wrote:
> For what it’s worth, NFC just released a SJ703
> in X-ray C6O2. If you look at the regular X-RAY
> SJ703 (1.5 oz) and black mirror version (1.3 oz)
> , I am not really seeing a weight savings with the
> C6O2 version weights 1.4 oz, based on the website.
> But, maybe there is a power difference between the
> C6o2 and other x-rays. Hard to say.
> I think that should be a good Ned rig blank.

Ya got me excited for a second....
Just had this conversation with my son, about it'd be great if they added a blank that was a slight bump in power to the SJ703 while keeping the same taper and action. Unfortunately, doesn't look like this is it. They added the CCS for the c6o2, same power faster action, similar weight.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: El Bolinger (---.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
Date: March 20, 2023 12:05AM

Derick Jahnke Wrote:
> Seems gimmicky, there is already no observable
> data that puts XRay over their HM
> blanks....including price. At 85 plus excise tax
> and free shipping, XRay is worth.....but would
> rather spring for an Eternity or cheaper
> Revelation blank (thr RX8 blanks are nice, but
> that finish adds a ton of weight).

I'm new, please add some clarity as to why you spild would make that choice. Total around 95 bucks is and rx10 like 130 what makes the difference?

Building rods in MA, Building the community around the world

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Kendall Cikanek (---)
Date: March 20, 2023 08:45PM

Derick Jahnke Wrote:
> Seems gimmicky, there is already no observable
> data that puts XRay over their HM
> blanks....including price. At 85 plus excise tax
> and free shipping, XRay is worth.....but would
> rather spring for an Eternity or cheaper
> Revelation blank (thr RX8 blanks are nice, but
> that finish adds a ton of weight).

It may or may not be gimmicky. There is clearly a lack of information that informs us on the non-carbon portion of the material as well as real data. From the video it looks like carbon is a minor component. I can’t tell if the rest is a laboratory derived improvement on spider silk or just dryer lint. Aleks, please tell us more. I want to try this, but would like to make a more informed decision.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Michael Danek (---.alma.mi.frontiernet.net)
Date: March 21, 2023 08:18AM

I am confident that if you check the TNF of both blanks you will find the more expensive blank higher, assuming similar powers and actions. In general, the higher the price the higher the TNF. Regardless of whether the differences are carbon, or this, or that, the objective measurements of length, weight, ERN/IP, AA, and TNF tell the story better than any construction description.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Derick Jahnke (---)
Date: March 22, 2023 11:16AM

What are the SB722? That looks somewhere in between the MB rod I have and the P703...both action wise and power.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: El Bolinger (50.233.0.---)
Date: March 22, 2023 11:35AM

Derick Jahnke Wrote:
> Seems gimmicky, there is already no observable
> data that puts XRay over their HM
> blanks....including price. At 85 plus excise tax
> and free shipping, XRay is worth.....but would
> rather spring for an Eternity or cheaper
> Revelation blank (thr RX8 blanks are nice, but
> that finish adds a ton of weight).

Why Eternity or revelation over X-ray?

Building rods in MA, Building the community around the world

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Derick Jahnke (---)
Date: March 22, 2023 11:42AM

I meant, I'd rather Xray Rev or Eternity over thr new blank.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Aaron Petersen (12.144.64.---)
Date: March 22, 2023 12:22PM

Matt Ruggie Wrote:
> The NFC Xray SJ703 would be right in the ned rig
> wheelhouse too. If I ever get mine built I'll let
> ya know lol. It's another light tipped fast action
> with good flex into the mid section. 340ish IP
> and low 70s AA.

My favorite Ned rod is a SJ 703. It is indeed in the wheel house. No issues throwing super light rigs. I have landed 4lb Coosa spotted bass and a 7lb drum all just the same. This rod + my ned rigging + my favorite home lake = a busy day and some beat up plastics.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Derick Jahnke (---)
Date: March 22, 2023 12:25PM

Is it built as spinning? What size jig heads are you using?

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Mark Brassett (---)
Date: March 22, 2023 12:37PM

Just finished wrapping a 703 for Ned. Spinning rod will be loaded with 10# braid and 1/16oz jighead. I've already got an identical one for 1/8oz and 15# braid.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Aaron Petersen (12.144.64.---)
Date: March 22, 2023 01:50PM

Derick Jahnke Wrote:
> Aaron,
> Is it built as spinning? What size jig heads are
> you using?

I throw 1/20 to 1/8 oz depending on the current and depth. All on this same rod.
6# or 8# straight fluorocarbon.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Mark Brassett (---)
Date: March 22, 2023 02:25PM

Aaron, I'd like to throw fluoro also, but just can't seem to tame it on a spinning reel. Whats the secret?

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: David Baylor (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: March 22, 2023 03:43PM

Mark ..... spool diameter is a major factor with fluorocarbon on spinning gear. The larger the diameter, the better.

Personally the smallest reel I would use straight fluorocarbon line on, is 2500 or 3000, That is based on Shimano reels, with the 2500 actually having the larger diameter spool. I also restrict the size fluorocarbon I will use on any particular reel, using what the reel is rated for with nylon mono, as the basis for the size fluorocarbon I would use on it. If the reel is listed for 6, 8, and 10# line, the largest fluorocarbon I would comfortably use on it, is 8# test.

Another part of the secret, at least for what experience with fluorocarbon lines has taught me, is Seaguar Tatsu line. Absolutely the best combination of handling and the other properties that make fluorocarbon line a great choice for certain baits and presentations.

There are other fluorocarbon lines that handle better on spinning gear, but they aren't nearly the line that Tatsu is in other respects. Tatsu is pricey as heck, but in my estimation it is worth every penny of its' price, and then some. And even Tatsu is going to present handling problems that other more supple lines won't have. You just have to accept that fact. Dealing with them isn't that big of a deal. At least I don't think it is.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Mark Brassett (---)
Date: March 22, 2023 06:45PM

I bought a Shimano 2500 for this rod a few days ago. I did, however, build the rod using a 20 for a butt guide knowing it would be used with braid. I'm pretty sure it won't cast mono or fluoro as well as braid.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Norman Miller (Moderator)
Date: March 22, 2023 07:25PM

Nothing casts as well as braid.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Daryl Ferguson (---)
Date: March 22, 2023 08:32PM

Mark Brassett Wrote:
> Aaron, I'd like to throw fluoro also, but just
> can't seem to tame it on a spinning reel. Whats
> the secret?

It’s mainly how you load it onto the reel. Take the line spool and put it in a bucket of water, live well, kitchen sink full of water, whatever. Feed the line through the guides and tie to reel spool and then, while leaving the line spool in the water, just start reeling line onto the reel, keeping slight tension , ,stopping about an 1/8th” from the edge of the reel spool (usually there’s a beveled edge right about there). That’s all there is to it. Also, once you cast, ALWAYS close the bail with your hand, not the crank as that will add a twist to your line every time you do it.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/22/2023 10:16PM by Daryl Ferguson.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: John Santos (---.110.244.66.dyn.smithville.net)
Date: March 22, 2023 08:47PM

I got the SJ703 (X-Ray) as a Great Lakes drop shot rod. I thought it was a little softer than what I had hoped (no idea where they came up with the 1/4 - 3/4 lure rating LOL). It did fine though, casting 5/8 oz drop shot weights (we need this heavy of a weight fish the Detroit River /St Clair River level current) and handling 5-6 lb smallmouth just fine (both out of deep water and the current).

Seeing where this blank actually was after first getting it in my hands, I tried ordering a SB724 and a MB724. Both of those would be too stiff for a Ned, but I think the SB724 will be closer to what I actually had in mind. The MB724 was more a medium heavy, not the labeled “medium”.

My guess is the SJ703 would fit in with Ned rigging pretty well. I’m curious about the SB722 now as well (looking for something just a hair stiffer, or at least a stronger backbone, than the SJ703. Sensitivity on the SJ703 is where it needs to be to be a good Ned rig rod.

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Re: Ned rod again...
Posted by: Aaron Petersen (12.144.64.---)
Date: March 23, 2023 07:57AM

Mark Brassett Wrote:
> Aaron, I'd like to throw fluoro also, but just
> can't seem to tame it on a spinning reel. Whats
> the secret?

As a few others have said, 3000 spool, line off a large roll (I buy the big 1000yd), and I use a big Tupperware bowl with warm water. When I get that Ned twist we all know, I cut the jig off and let line out while trolling until I get a little further than I normally cast. The I pinch the line with my fingers and reel it in. I usually do this at the launch in the mornings and am good for the day. And yes, always close bale by hand.

I don't use ultra high dollar lines like Tatsu. I use regular high dollar Invisx mostly.

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