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NFC Hair Jig Blank
Posted by: Todd Theodore (---.cinci.res.rr.com)
Date: October 09, 2021 01:46PM

I'm curious if anyone has built on the NFC DS-760-1 (IM)?
I'm looking for a rod to throw the light marabou jigs (3/32-3/16). The DS stands for drop shot.. I'm thinking the techniques are very different yet have similarities in type of action desired. Although, I can see the xfast tip being more advantageous in drop shotting than jig swimming. I've actually been using a rod built on their xray blanks and it works pretty good. Better than expected. Great blank. But, not what it was designed for. I know there's a better tool for the job.. And with their sale going on, who can beat it? However, I'm not familiar with their IM line.
I like the 7.5 ft length. But, not excited about the Xtra fast action. Fast would be better I think. I know, it can all be one companies version of fast, extra fast etc without actual numbers.
St croix has a newer rod out that's 7'10" for $200. Good price. (But, I can get two NFC blanks for that price). And, it's also an xfast action. But, maybe their idea of xfast is less fast than others and it would work fine. I'm hoping someone may have some insight into this idea.

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Re: NFC Hair Jig Blank
Posted by: Michael Tarr (---.hsd1.ga.comcast.net)
Date: October 09, 2021 04:51PM

I built a DS610 (IM) the action is xtra fast compared to (IM) fast. It works great for 1/0 hooks or less that need a quick responsive hook set.

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Re: NFC Hair Jig Blank
Posted by: Lynn Behler (---.44.66.72.res-cmts.leh.ptd.net)
Date: October 09, 2021 05:03PM

I also need to build one for this purpose and am eyeing the MHX SJ9000. I want to contact a few guys about about this build but have been dragging my feet getting in touch. (you would be one of them David Baylor lol). For $100 shipped and with their warranty, that MHX looks promising. Not in love with NFC's website. If Point Blank had the right one I'd be all over it. I look forward to the replies you get. Maybe some of them will be helpful to you. (Unlike mine, lol)

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Re: NFC Hair Jig Blank
Posted by: Jay Burns (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: October 09, 2021 07:03PM

IMMS72ML I have fallen in love with this blank for its versatility with light weight and finnesse presentations. I use it on the river as a drop shot rod, and have another built specifically for use with finesse swimbaits. As far as hair jigs I cant imagine it wouldnt be able to handle those weights and give you some backbone on the back end. It's just a super crisp blank.

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Re: NFC Hair Jig Blank
Posted by: Russell Brunt (---)
Date: October 09, 2021 09:09PM

Personally I like a stiffer tip for fishing jigs. It helps me feel bottom contact and light hits better. So I wouldn't want an extra fast action.

What Xray blank are you using Todd? For 1/8 to 1/4 ounce range I'd pick the SJ703. For the lower end I have the FW 702-2 (IM) that I think would do. I would consider the FW 741-2 (HM) too light in power. Sorry but I have no experience with any of the drop shot blanks.

Lynn I think everyone should try a SJ9000/HS7600. Fun blank that can do a lot of things. Very light tip that lets you cast ultra light offerings and enjoy pan fish but with an ultra fast shut off and enough backbone to handle decent sized pelagic fish in open water. I like mine but I wouldn't want it for a hair jig blank. I do love it for beetle spins with curly tails though. It is better suited to seeing the bite as opposed to feeling it.

Russ in Hollywood, FL.

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Re: NFC Hair Jig Blank
Posted by: Todd Theodore (---.cinci.res.rr.com)
Date: October 10, 2021 12:05AM

Thanks guys.
I should have clarified, these are marabou jigs and swimming them through the water column. Not bottom bouncing. So, no real sensitivity needed or hook setting in deep water. The hook set is mainly rod loading up. Which is why I think the fast would be best.

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Re: NFC Hair Jig Blank
Posted by: Jay Burns (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: October 10, 2021 07:29AM

Like I said the Immortal blank is a great option, I throw hair jigs late in season for river smallmouth. It's a perfect application, it's similar to my finesse swimbait presentation. Which I throw with alot of 3/32 or similar sized thin wired hooks and small swimbaits around 2inches. It's an open water swimming technique similar to hair jigs in which I dont really set the hook it just loads. With my hair jigs I add a piece of a senko to beef out the skirt and add a little weight. The immortal is a great option, honestly most drop shot rods will be in this application. I like a longer rod which helps with casting as well.

My advice would be one of the following
Hydra NG Series BS9015F-NG

Theast blank is a GetBit exclusive blank, and honestly it's a great blank. Finish is great and they have good power with a a very soft and responsive tip. It's another option. The Hydra would be based on their equivalent to the McSmalls product rod ALX builds for presentations like your talking about. Cant go wrong, I dont use the NFC blanks personally, lots of good blanks out there.

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Re: NFC Hair Jig Blank
Posted by: Todd Theodore (---.cinci.res.rr.com)
Date: October 10, 2021 10:07AM

Thanks Jay. I'll take a look. I've always loved the Batson products too.
But, I really want at least 7.5 ft rod. Just a preference.

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Re: NFC Hair Jig Blank
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---)
Date: October 10, 2021 11:49AM

If you ever had a G Loomis IMX in you hand over the years, you're in the ballpark with the IM series.

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Re: NFC Hair Jig Blank
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---)
Date: October 10, 2021 12:20PM

If you ever had a G Loomis IMX in you hand over the years, you're in the ballpark with the IM series. I have many XF rods from the Loomis IM6 SJ700 to the St. Croix 5S76MLXF all have been sensitive rods for light offerings. My go to, if I only had only one, is the Lamiglas LSJ 901, 7 1/2 ft XMG 50's they no longer make.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/10/2021 12:27PM by Spencer Phipps.

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Re: NFC Hair Jig Blank
Posted by: Jason Gofron (---)
Date: October 10, 2021 12:44PM

I have the mhx9600 I wouldn’t use it for hair. However grubs small tubes small swim baits. I love it super fun rod that launches those lures

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Re: NFC Hair Jig Blank
Posted by: Lynn Behler (---.44.66.72.res-cmts.leh.ptd.net)
Date: October 10, 2021 04:38PM

Russel, unless I'm misunderstanding this technique it's not a bottom contact presentation. You kind of very, very slowly reel the jig along on the retrieve and when they get it, you know it. (smallmouths) If I'm wrong about this anyone, please chime in. Whoops, Todd I missed your reply to Russel above before typing this.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/10/2021 04:44PM by Lynn Behler.

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Re: NFC Hair Jig Blank
Posted by: Jay Burns (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: October 10, 2021 06:12PM

Two of the three blanks I recommended are 7'6 in length. I get it trust me , the extra 4 inches helps I a number of ways with finnesse presentations. I used the immortal this am to fish hair jigs, 3/32 ounce with a piece if senko threaded onto shank. Had a great day. I dont mind the 7'2 but the Hydra or Liberty both have 7'6 offerings.

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Re: NFC Hair Jig Blank
Posted by: Lynn Behler (---.44.66.72.res-cmts.leh.ptd.net)
Date: October 10, 2021 06:34PM

I hear what you're saying Jay, and for those like me, the Liberty is considerably cheaper. Still eyein' that MHX SJ9000.

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Re: NFC Hair Jig Blank
Posted by: Jay Burns (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: October 10, 2021 06:54PM

I would lean towards the Hydra blank myself - they are a sweet blank overall. But to each their own, I fight some solid smallmouth up here in NY so I like the soft tip and quick load into the power when I am really not setting the hook, but rather reeling into it. Lots of good options to consider, cant really go wrong.

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Re: NFC Hair Jig Blank
Posted by: Lynn Behler (---.44.66.72.res-cmts.leh.ptd.net)
Date: October 10, 2021 08:41PM

Jay, if you don't mind my asking, where is up here in NY? This rod is intended for up there, Oneida, St.Law., Southeast Ont. We appear to be on the same page.

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Re: NFC Hair Jig Blank
Posted by: Joel Wick (181.214.61.---)
Date: October 10, 2021 08:47PM

I fish hair jigs a lot, in the exact manner and weights you describe.

The St. Croix SCV76MLXF is the best hair jig blank I have found. I have built them as they come, and have extended them six or eight inches as well.

You won't be disappointed with the MHX SJ9000, but I give the edge to the SCV76MLXF.

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Re: NFC Hair Jig Blank
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---)
Date: October 10, 2021 08:53PM

St. Croix at one time built a 8 1/2 ft MLXF, still may, specifically for hair jigs up north. Sounds like Joel is spot on.

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Re: NFC Hair Jig Blank
Posted by: Jay Burns (---.res6.spectrum.com)
Date: October 11, 2021 06:40AM

Yeah the St Croix would do the trick as well!

I am located in Albany area but fish alot on Champlain, adirondacks and St Lawerence. Honestly you cannot go wrong with a number of these blanks. I did forget about that St Croix though, but if my mind corrects me it's also a very expensive blank. I have a hard time spending that kind of money on a blank that's used for swimming presentations and not for sensitivity. But we all have different thresholds. It's a fine blank for sure.

Hows the fishing out your way, I am about to hit the Mohawk River right now so talk when I get back!!!

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Re: NFC Hair Jig Blank
Posted by: Spencer Phipps (---)
Date: October 11, 2021 10:33AM

There was a time St. Croix made to 76MLXF in more than one graphite, even a two piece, since they left here, there is no quick reference anymore.

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